Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Off with her head!!

This term,class 6's topic is called Off with her Head! We had a court scene about whether or not Anne Boleyn was guilty. It turned out to be Anne was guilty. In the court scene we had Kelly-Ann as a judge and 9 other people as jury, Amelia was Anne Boleyn and Roman was Henry VIII. The rest of the children were giving their aguments for the side that they were on. 
       While researching we found out lots of facts Including that Anne had an extra finger and a mole on her neck, lots of people believed her as being a witch due to this reason. Although her bad side is very bad, Henry loved her to bits. We found this unfair because Henry blamed Anne for cheating on him but he however was cheating on Catherine of Aragon because he was sending love letters to Anne although he was still married to Catherine. 
      The order of Henry's wives and how he got rid of them is Catherine of Aragon first and she got divorced, then Anne Boleyn chose to be beheaded, after Anne was Jane Seymore and she sadly died, Henry loved Jane mainly because she gave him a son and called him Edward. After Jane was Anne of Cleeves, she was divorced just like Catherine, then Henry married Catherine Howard, Catherine just like Anne was beheaded. Then Henry married the Katherine Parr, Katherine outlived Henry and brought up the rest of Henry's children.

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