Thursday 23 October 2014

Class 6 - Halloween

Cardiff Castle - Blitz #part5

Here we are exploring some of the Castle Grounds

Cardiff Castle - Blitz #part4

Wartime Songs

Class 6 learning 'We'll Meet Again' & 'Hey Little Hen'

Cardiff Castle - Blitz #part3

ARP Warden, explaining the importance of his job during WW2.

A genuine Air Raid Shelter that the people of Cardiff used during WW2.

Cardiff Castle - Blitz #part2

Here's class 6 practicing putting out fires in our homes.

Cardiff Castle - Blitz Trip #part1

Air Raid Precaution Officer Workshop

Neville Chamberin addressing the nation declaring that Britain is now at war with Germany.

Recruiting Air Raid Wardens. Women as well. There was a major change in the role of women in British society.

An incendiary bomb used to light up potential targets, like Cardiff docks and Swansea bay.

Demonstrating how to put a gas mask on, just in the Germans drop gas bombs.

Practicing putting on their gas masks.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Cardiff Castle - Blitz Trip #part1

Air Raid Precaution Officer Workshop

Neville Chamberlin addressing the nation declaring that Britain is now at war with Germany.

Recruiting Air Raid Wardens. Women as well. There was a major change in the role of women in British society.

An incendiary bomb used to light up potential targets, like Cardiff docks and Swansea bay.

Demonstrating how to put a gas mask on, just in case the Germans drop gas bombs.

Practicing putting on their gas masks.

Monday 20 October 2014

Big Writing Assessment

Class 6 have started putting together their historical stories. This term they have written openers, middles and endings to their historical stories. This week they will put all the skills they have learnt together to produce the full story. 

Here are some pictures of the class reading through the different parts of the stories they have already written to their talk partners.

Here's the success criteria we came up with:

Monday 13 October 2014

Recycling Workshop

Class 6 had a recycling workshop today. We learnt about how to make our school better at recycling. Thank you to Tony and David for coming to speak to us.