Saturday 12 January 2013

Our 1960's Presentations

This week we completed our presentations on different aspects of life in the 1960's. The children worked so well together, researching things like music, fashion, transport, toys and major events. They learnt many facts which they shared with the class. Well done, Class 6!

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school.

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas Holidays! Can I take this opportunity to thank you for my lovely gifts, they were very much appreciated, so Thank You!! :-)

This term, our topic is Tomorrow's World. We will be finding out about Space, moon buggies and so on. I'm sure you will all enjoy this topic.

PE will now be on Tuesdays and Fridays - so don't forget your kit!!
And don't forget to KEEP READING and learning those TIMES TABLES!!!
There are silver and gold medals up for grabs!