Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Big Write Planning - St David Biography

We have read the story of St David and acted out parts of the story.

Here is an angel appearing in Sant's dream, telling him David would be born.

David being born.

David with his mum Non on the cliff tops on a wet and rough night. 

David being baptised. 

Monday, 23 February 2015

The Story of St David - Comprehension

We read the story of St David and created a story board of the main events that we could remember. We taught each other about the story of his life.

We then arranged the story and wrote our own literal and inference question about the story.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Big Writing - Martin Luther King Biographies

This week we have been researching Martin Luther King. Today we are writing a biography about him.

We have written biographies earlier in the year and have set some success criteria for writing our biographies about Martin Luther King:

Success criteria:
Must - include facts
Should - write in chronological order
Could - write in the third person

By Rhys and amber

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Space Race

In Class 6 we've been researching The Space Race. We had to find out the dates of the events and put them in chronological order.

Our favourite event was:

1957 - A Russian space dog, Laika, is the first animal to orbit Earth.

By Gethin & Eleanor

Martin Luther King - Comprehension

As part as our topic, More Than Mods & Rocker, we are researching Martin Luther King. We are doing a comprehension to research parts of his life. We have to retell and order the main events, and answer literal and inference questions. We will to write our own literal and inference questions.

By Harvey and Dylan.

More than Mods & Rockers - Engage

Part of our topic we had to research Martin Luther king. We found out a bit about of his life. After we completed our research, we prepared and performed a mini presentation to the class.

By Kian & Cole.